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How I Do Poetry Book Reviews

How I used to review poetry books was a score system, where you could get up to 25 points for showing a story progression (sequencing and overarching story), you could get up to 25 points for the actual individual writing (how well poems read from the book and its written form), you could get up to 25 points for how…

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Poetry Book Review: Suck Summer Sweet

I’ve always struggled knowing where to put my poetry reviews. I had them over on my personal website as well as here in the past. While I mostly wanted to keep the poetry side of myself separate from the art side because they don’t sell well enough, the truth is even when paying people its been so hard to…

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Poetry Review: Assembly Required by Hooves

This book stood out for how different the layout was. I viewed some of its formatting online from previews, and I actually had really high hopes for this book. Instead of naming poems, he sets a date to them, like someone troubleshooting a complicated machine and you are taking notes of the trouble shooting process. It’s aesthetic and format matched…

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Poetry Review: Mongrel Tongue by Megin Jimenez

Mongrel Tongue has the presentation and format of a professional author- reminding me of when I would first read poetry books outside of what I knew I already liked. The sections of the book are clearly marked and there is a flow to the progression that reminds me of old poetry formats, where a book could be divided into 12…

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Poetry Book Review: So She Speaks

So She Speaks by Madison Brandt is a short read that is more like a self help book for the author than it is as a poetry book. The author also manages a podcast where she has local people she knows over to talk about different subjects. I had a paramour look at the book and she took some time…

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